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LIT Open Innovation Center
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Danube Cup 2024

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Willkommen zu dem diesjährigen Danube Cup!

Der jährlich stattfindende Wettbewerb basiert auf einer Kooperation zwischen der Johannes Kepler Universität, der Universität Passau, der Technischen Universität Budapest, der Corvinus Universität Budapest, der Universität Belgrad, der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, der Ostbayerischen Technischen Hochschule Regensburg und der Universität Regensburg.

Auf einen Blick


Johannes Kepler Universität
LIT Open Innovation Center
Altenberger Str. 69
4040 Linz


15.-17. Mai 2024

The Contest
Der Danube Cup ist ein wiederkehrender Pitching-Wettbewerb für Studierende der Universitäten entlang der Donau. Zwei ungarische Spitzenuniversitäten, die Corvinus Universität Budapest und die Budapester Universität für Technologie und Wirtschaft, haben den Wettbewerb 2016 ins Leben gerufen.

The Mission
Die Mission des Danube Cups ist es, Start-ups zu internationalem Erfolg zu verhelfen und gleichzeitig die motiviertesten Hochschul-Start-ups entlang der Donau zusammenzubringen. Die diesjährige Veranstaltung wird von der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz organisiert.

The Host
Verwurzelt in der regionalen Tradition, aber ausgestattet mit einer starken internationalen Perspektive, unterstützt und fördert die Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (JKU) hohe Qualitätsstandards in Forschung und Lehre mit dem Ziel, eine europäische Spitzenuniversität zu werden. In ihrer 50-jährigen Erfolgsgeschichte hat sich die JKU von einer sozial- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Hochschule zu einer der größten Bildungseinrichtungen Österreichs in der universitären Ausbildung und Forschung entwickelt.

The Place for Innovation & Contests
Das LIT Open Innovation Center (OIC), in dem dieses Jahr der Danube Cup stattfinden wird, wurde als offenes Forschungszentrum konzipiert, um Wissenschaft und Praxis zusammenzubringen und so eine Kreislaufwirtschaft und eine nachhaltige Polymerproduktion zu unterstützen. Das 2019 errichtete, moderne Gebäude ist ein Ort für Forschung und Entwicklung in den Bereichen Künstliche Intelligenz, Roboterintelligenz, IT-Sicherheit, Informationselektronik und Industrie 4.0.
Zusammen mit der LIT Factory ist das LIT OIC eine offene Plattform, um nicht nur die Potenziale der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung zu erforschen, sondern auch branchenübergreifende Lösungen zu schaffen und innovative Produkte herzustellen.

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The Danube Cup's

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dream it. want it. build it.
The 2024 Danube Cup Main Event May 15 - 17

The 2024 Danube Cup Competition

Danube Cup information about the main event, host, team...
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The Start-up Teams

Johannes Kepler University Linz I Austria

Pflegezeit - PflegeZeit, offers valuable support for people caring for relatives with dementia at home. PflegeZeit not only provides tested exercises for personal care, but also creates a sense of community and understanding through old, often forgotten songs and cultural content. Personal care with PflegeZeit also makes physical care much easier, which also benefits carers in nursing homes.

Surfjobs - SURFjobs stands for ‘See Your Future’ and is Austria's first mobile career guidance & job platform, where future apprentices and young professionals can find out about their career opportunities through authentic short videos and with the help of artificial intelligence. From career guidance and insights into companies and jobs to a simple application to the chosen company in just two clicks, nothing stands in the way of a successful start to professional life.

Corvius University of Budapest I Hungary

Casar Fashion - Fast fashion trends and throwaway consumption created an environment in which consumers are easily bored with their clothing. It can be because of the lack of uniqueness and emotional connection. They are quickly abandoned, which has a harmful effect on the environment and contributes to overconsumption.

uMix3D - Globally, one in three clothes purchased online are returned by customers mainly due to the wrong size and poor visualisation options. uMix3D is a platform with a virtual fitting room that provides an ideal solution to this problem by allowing users to try on their personalised 3D avatars clothes we model with millimetre precision. Moreover, customers can even create a full outfit. Our solutions are also beneficial for fashion brands, as they can both reduce the rate of product returns and increase sales. With our internationally recognised specialists we also create digital content for our clients, such as a 3D marketing video or an AR filter. Our team is not only competent but also determined to make uMix3D a success.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics I Hungary

BridgeAID - BridgeAID aims to bring a breakthrough in transport infrastructure maintenance with the next generation of bridge monitoring systems. Continuously measure and analyse bridge conditions and traffic. BridgeAID takes engineering and management decision-making to a new dimension, enabling predictable and effective intervention.

stArt - For individuals seeking spontaneous plans on a free night of the week, finding the perfect event within a few minutes can be quite challenging. Likewise, for event organizers, getting people to step out of their comfort zones and attract new faces to their establishments is quite a challenge. stArt addresses both of these issues by connecting the two groups.

University of Belgrade I Serbia

Artemi - Artemi is a innovative mobile game that merges thrilling digital gameplay with physical activity and real-world exploration, promoting health and social interaction. The primary goal of Artemi is to redefine the mobile gaming experience by creating an innovative game that blends engaging digital gameplay with physical activity, specifically walking, to promote health benefits among its users. Our objective is to leverage the universal appeal of gaming to encourage a more active lifestyle, transforming routine walks into captivating adventures and social experiences.

Movebly - Moveably, a student startup stemming from a student company, introduces an innovative digital platform based on the auction principle, acting as an intermediary in brokering deals between carriers and clients. We streamline the process for carriers in finding jobs, while simultaneously providing clients with a faster and simpler way to discover cost-effective carriers, facilitating the transport of goods.

University of Passau I Germany

Luvia - Following the example of the „Augsburger Modell“, our business offers the organization and construction of pigeon lofts. Current measures are meant to deterrent (spikes, nets) and do not tackle the issue at its root cause: breeding compulsion. Pigeon lofts give you direct access to the eggs, which can be swapped and each swapped egg equals one less pigeon. Additional benefits are: reduced costs compared to current measures, less pigeons on the streets and cleaner cities.

Reviving Rugs - Reviving Rugs creates premium handbags through the upcycling of designer carpet samples. Our innovative use of this distinctive material not only ensures superior quality but also embodies sustainability and individuality. Tailored to customers with a passion for both design and environmental consciousness, our handbags stand as exquisite, artisanal accessories.

Regensburg University of Applied Sciences I Germany

FlowHerb - FlowHerb aims to offer customers a unique experience, combining the pleasures of gifting, aesthetics and fine cuisine. Customers are able to buy beautiful flower bouquets for themselves or for others, but those flowers not only look good, they can later be turned into brilliant recipes that taste great. Nothing goes to waste.

University of Regensburg I Germany

VoluLink - VoluLink is a social start-up that aims to strengthen non-profit organizations by providing IT expertise from the corporate world. We are addressing the social challenge that many non-profit organizations need support in the area of digitalization, partly due to a lack of time and human resources, in order to increase their effectiveness and better reach target groups.

Pendura - Pendura is developing a platform that, through advanced blockchain technology and AI, enables automated and cost-effective sustainability reporting in global supply chains, significantly improving information flow and data quality

Vienna University of Economics and Business I Austria

Zenyth Innovation - As consumption reaches new heights by the day, one must wonder, where does human waste end up. At Zenyth Innovations, we have followed sewage treatment processes from top to bottom and identified an array of wasted and landfilled resources waiting to make an impact. We are developing a software based solution to establish new markets, create new revenue streams for stakeholders and provide novel sustainable materials to clean up heavy industries. By rethinking the potential of sewage treatment, we are bringing the new standard of responsible circular economy resources to life.

Evidenta.io - Evidenta.io is a startup operating in the recruitment industry, committed to enhancing the hiring process with its innovative ecosystem. Evidenta’s mission centers on creating a trusted job market, where every individual's achievements are valued and the focus shifts from company brands to the personal accomplishments of candidates. This is enabled by four core features: a standardized CV builder for effective resume presentation, a robust CV verification system for authenticity, an AI-powered recommendation engine for precise candidate-job matching, and a unique reward system to foster active engagement.


1st Price - Danube Cup Trophy, Cash Price € 1000,-

2nd Price - Cash Price € 600,-

3rd Price - Cash Price € 400,- 

The 2024 Danube Cup Event Team

Univ. Prof. Dr. Elisabeth S.C. Berger JKU, head of the Institute for Entrepreneurship

Petra Muschitz, BA – JKU LIT Open Innovation Center Team – Teamlead, Operations and Event Management

Christoph Frei, BSc, MA – JKU LIT Open Innovation Center Team – Marketing and Communications

Safak Bilgic – JKU LIT Open Innovation Center Team – Entrepreneurship Management

The Danube Cup Jury


Danzer Roman - Germany - OTH Regensburg

Thomas Steger - Germany - University of Regensburg

Maria Diekmann - Germany - University of Passau

Norbert Leskó - Hungary - Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Pal Danyi - Hungary - Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Mladen Čudanov - Serbia - University of Belgrade

Monique Schlömmer - Austria - University of Vienna

Katharina Kloibhofer - Austria - Grand Garage

Birgit  Wimmer - Austria - tech2b

Elisabeth  Berger - Austria - Johannes Kepler University


Norbert Leskó - Hungary - Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Michael Wimmer - Austria - Upper Austrian Economic Chamber

Tamara Čolić Milosavljević - Serbia - University of Belgrade

Kathrin Obernhumer - Austria - Tabak Fabrik Linz

Mara Schneider - Germany - University of Passau

The Danube Cup Network

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